Using latest version of NetAdvantage 2010.3 ultragrid on Win 7 platform.
Is there some VB.NET code showing how to get the mouse wheel to scroll when a cell is in edit mode? Mouse wheel works nicely everywhere else and in DataWidgets 3.11 BUT I cannot get it to work in Ultragrid. Scrollbar works just fine. Why doesn't the mouse wheel!?
I don't use the .MouseWheel event anywhere in the project and it doesn't even fire when a cell is in Edit mode, so that route to resolving the problem is not viable.
I've gone the route of commenting out all the events, keymappings, appearance descriptions, overrides, etc. to see if anything works. Nada!
The project saves and loads grid layout files. I commented out these routines. With absolutely nothing being done with the grid upon load other than it being connected to its arraylist datasource, it still will not scroll with the mouse wheel if a cell is in Edit mode. I can't get to a more bare bones grid control! And with everything commented out it isn't of much use!
I've informed my client he will just have to live without mouse wheel scrolling if a cell is in Edit mode. I cannot think of anything else to do and have already wasted far too much time chasing this!
If your project is using the same version as the samples and it works in one and not the other, then there must be something in your project that is different from all of the samples.
Are you sure that your code isn't handling the MouseWheel event anywhere?
If not, then I'm afraid I am at a loss to explain the difference in behavior. It's working fine for me and it's working for all of the samples. So the only thing to do is try to determine what's different about your project.
Since I cannot see your project, you either need to post a sample here which demonstrates the issue or else compare your grid to the grids in the samples (which work) and figure out what's different.
You could try commenting out all of the code you have in any event handlers of the grid and see if the problem goes away.
You could also try copying your real application and then removing parts of it to narrow it down into a smaller sample you could post here.
I upgraded to 2011.1 and loaded the samples. Mouse wheel works on all the samples. Whoopie, it works on the samples. Still doesn't work on any of my project grids!!
I've never installed the samples BUT I will.
Rather difficult to extract a sample project from the 125,000 lines of code and 27 grid controls in the project I'm moving from VB6 to VS2010. But I will try to find a sample that is similar and see what happens with it and the mouse wheel.
As I said, I tried this out and it worked fine for me. There must be some other factor at work in your application that's not a factor in my sample.
Does the problem occur with any of the samples installed with NetAdvantage (assuming you chose to install the samples)?
Can you post a small sample project here demonstrating the behavior you are getting so I can compare?