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Setting document grid columns to fixed height

I'm trying to do something that I thought would be simple.  I have several graphic objects that I'm trying to put into a  Site. The number of items is not determined at design time and are (more or less) identical ( identical with the exception of some text).  The objects are circles that need to remain (as you might expect) as circles.

My problem is that regardless of the settings I use the circles are stretched vertically so that the total height of the items fills the page... so my circles become ellipses.

My first attempt was to create a "flow" and to just insert the site objects to fixed height and width and then add the items as in  the following

foreach( String person in myListOfPeople)
    Report.ISite site = cell.AddSite();
    site.Height = new Report.FixedHeight(cellHeight);
    site.Width = new Report.FixedWidth(cellWidth);

                       Infragistics.Documents.Report.Shapes.IEllipse outerCircle = site.Shapes.AddEllipse();
                    outerCircle.Height = 275;
                    outerCircle.Width = 275;
                    outerCircle.Pen = blackWidePen;
                    outerCircle.X = (cellWidth - 275) / 2;
                    outerCircle.Y = (cellHeight - 275) / 2;

                    Report.IImage logoImage = site.AddImage(logo, outerCircle.X + 35, outerCircle.Y + 25);
                    logoImage.KeepRatio = true;
                    logoImage.Height = new Report.FixedHeight(94);
                    //logoImage.Width = new Report.FixedWidth(113);

                    Infragistics.Documents.Report.Shapes.IEllipse innerCircle = site.Shapes.AddEllipse();
                    innerCircle.Height = 75;
                    innerCircle.Width = 75;
                    innerCircle.Pen = blackWidePen;
                    innerCircle.X = (cellWidth - 75) / 2;
                    innerCircle.Y = (cellHeight - 75) / 2;

                    Infragistics.Documents.Report.Shapes.ILine cutLine = site.Shapes.AddLine();
                    cutLine.Pen = blackDashPen;
                    cutLine.X1 = cellCenterX + (innerCircle.Width/2);
                    cutLine.Y1 = cellCenterY;
                    cutLine.X2 = cellCenterX + (outerCircle.Width / 2);
                    cutLine.Y2 = cellCenterY;

                    Infragistics.Documents.Report.Shapes.ILabel nameLabel = site.Shapes.AddLabel();
                    nameLabel.Text = person;                   
                    nameLabel.Font = nameFont;
                    nameLabel.Brush = darkBlueBrush;
                    Size proposedSize = new Size(int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue);                   
                    Size nameSize = System.Windows.Forms.TextRenderer.MeasureText(taster, namedrawingFont, proposedSize, textFlags);
                    Single fontHeight = Infragistics.Documents.Utils.Converter.PixelsToPoints(nameSize.Height);                   
                    Single fontWidth = Infragistics.Documents.Utils.Converter.PixelsToPoints(nameSize.Width);                   
                    nameLabel.Y = cellCenterY + (innerCircle.Width/2)+ fontHeight;
                    nameLabel.X = cellCenterX -(fontWidth / 2);


This seems to work properly in print preview but when I actually do the "report.Print" the items are stretched vertically to fill the page.

I then tried to put the items into a grid setting the grid row height and cell width to be fixed .. same issue, looked ok on print preview but now when actually printed.

I assume that I'm just missing something obvious here but I have not found the key yet. 


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