I am trying ot create a VS2005 .Net Interopt User Control for use in a VB6 applicaiton.
I have been successiful with other products like the native .Net Chart control, the ChartFX Chart control, Farpoint Spread Conrtol and others.
I can't get the UltraChart to work. the control can be droped on a VB6 form and all exposed properties can be seen.
However i get an error "Error Saving to file" when i try to save my form.
Anybody out there done this?
Good work; thanks for letting us know the resolution.
So, I solved this on my own. Turns out the Interopt control can exceed some magic memory use limit if you have too many public properties, subs, and funcitons. Create your control with as few as possible. My control now as a single entry point that gets call multiple times.