I have some questions on tree view.
1.How to expand the tree node only when the user clicks on the node expansion icon.
2.I am displaying tool tip for the node ,but the tool tip is being shown even when the user double clicks on the node.
How can i restrict the tool tip to be displayed only when the user clicks on the node once.
3.I want to display tool tip message when the user hovers the mouse on the node.
How to make the tool tip to be displayed just below the node that is clicked.
4.I have a tree control docked in the UltraDockManager.How to show the tool tip when the user clicks on the docked panel header.
Any help on this is appreciated.
1. You can set the UltraTree.Override.NodeDoubleClickAction property to 'None' to prevent the node's expanded state from changing on double-clicks.
2 thru 4: Use the UltraToolTipManager component