Hi allI have a multi band grid (bound to a DataSet).Only on Band 1 I have set AllowAddNew:this.DisplayLayout.Bands[1].Override.AllowAddNew = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.AllowAddNew.FixedAddRowOnTop;When I capture the events "AfterRowInsert", "AfterRowUpdate" and "BeforeRowUpdate"the IsAddRow is always false ...How can I make this work right ?Thanks and best regardsFrank Uray
Hi Frank,
I did a little more investigating and there's nothing we can do about this in the grid. It turns out that I was right - the BindingContext in the DotNet framework will not allow you to reference child bands if the name of the relation has a dot (.) in it.
The BindingContext uses a dot as a separator between band keys and using a dot in the name just confuses it.
I found a thread on MSDN in which a Microsoft rep (eventually) confirms this:
If you want more confirmation, try binding the MS DataGridView control to your Dataset and set the DataMember to the name of your DataRelation with the dot in it.
The DataGridView just gives up and shows nothing.If you set your Visual Studio IDE to break on all run-time exceptions, you can even catch the exception where the DataGridView tries to get the BindingManager and fails.
You can catch the same exception in the UltraWinGrid, too.
Quite frankly, I'm surprised that the WinGrid is able to display the data at all without a BindingManager.
I'm also a bit surprised that MS hasn't fixed this or provided some way to escape the period character, like using "/." or some other escape code. But I tried both "/." and "\." and neither one works.
So basically, you are going to have to strip out the dots.
Hi MichaelThanks, I will keep a look at it.Best regardsFrank Uray
Hi MikeThanks for your help.Best regardsFrank Uray
I have logged this as a development issue and you will receive more information through the case.
Michael S.
A Dot in the name of a field or a table is not a good idea, since the dot is used as a separator character by the BindingManager in DotNet.
Why it's manifesting itself in such a strange way is still a puzzle. But I'm surprised that it only caused such a minor issue and did not cause something more drastic like an exception.
We will look into this, anyway, but I strongly advise you against using dots in table names. This will cause all sorts of problems with DataBinding.