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Gantt Chart series with "GanttOwner"

Hello, there

* based on the Ganttchart table records in the access database.  *

 i would like to change the series of in the legend to GannttOwner column

so that the ganntchart bar colours will change by the owners column.

 basically what i want to do is to show like...example,there's 3 factories...they produce same set of cars...but in different time line..

factory A   - January ( Mazda) - Feb ( toyota ) - March ( nissan)        -in 1 line

factory B  - January ( Mazda) - Feb ( Mazda ) - March ( nissan)       -in 1 line

factory c  - January ( nissan) - Feb ( Mazda ) - March ( toyota)         -in 1 line


so the legend will be

 hope u guys understand this senario and can give me suggest on the workaround way.

  • 28496
    Offline posted

     i think the only way to achieve this is through a custom layer or the FillSceneGraph event.  you can use that to re-color the Boxes in the chart, and to custom draw your legend by adding Box and Text primitives to the SceneGraph.

  • 95

    hello, can anyone from infragistics help me?