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Grid Refresh Errors - Object Reference Not set to an instance of an object

We are getting this error very frequently. What we are doing is we have a grid with data, and when the user double clicks on a row, we are opening an edit form. They can make changes to the data and exit the form. After the form is closed we then refresh the grid data to show the changes. This is the point we are getting the Object Reference error.  One main component of this is that in almost all cases, the grid is being filtered using the filter row.  So basically the user filters the grid in some way, finds the record they want, double clicks it to edit some data, saves it and when we reload the datasets for the grid, we get this error.   Any ideas on this? The error message is quite generic and gives no indication what might be happening.  My thoughts are it is losing its reference to the grid due to it being filtered and then trying to reload the data .... ??


Oh, and we are still on ver 8.3 of NetAdvantage

  • 69832
    Offline posted

    The most helpful thing for us would be a sample project that demonstrates the problem. Failing that, a copy of the stack trace would also shed some light on the cause of the problem. Also note that 2008.3 is no longer supported and it is possible that if the problem is with our control, is has been addressed in a more recent version.