When the WeekView and the MonthViewSingle are showing their owners Separated, each one has its base color OK, and that looks fine. But then, once I merge either view type, all Owners Appointments are shown with the same base color. I have been able to identify the Owners in DayView when merging setting the Appointments BarColor to their Owners Base color.
Question is, how could I identify the Appointments by their Owners base colors in WeekView and MonthViewSingle when they are showing the Owners as Merged?
And if not possible this way, is there any one suggested to identify to which Onwer the Appointments belong to when looking at a Merged WeekView or MonthViewSingle?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Hristo.
That worked perfectly. I got the idea and modified it to my needs.
Thank you!
What I could suggest you to do is to set DayAppearance and HeaderAppearnce of the each owner. Then iterate trough all appointments in the UltraCalendarInfo and set theirs appearances to be the same as its owner’s header appearance. To illustrate what I mean I have created a small sample for you. Please run the sample and let me know if this is what you are looking for.
I am waiting for your response.