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Deselect an item

The below code is not working:

        UltraListView lv = new UltraListView();
        private void RunSample2()
            lv.View = UltraListViewStyle.List;
            lv.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
            lv.ViewSettingsList.ImageSize = new Size(0,0);
            lv.ItemActivated += new ItemActivatedEventHandler(lv_ItemActivated);
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                UltraListViewItem item = new UltraListViewItem("Test " + i, new string[] { "Test " + i });
        void lv_ItemActivated(object sender, ItemActivatedEventArgs e)
            //MessageBox.Show("Item Activated: " + e.Item.Text);
            lv.ActiveItem = null;
The selection is always active and I cannot deselect it. It is always highlighted in blue.