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Items in Winlistviews don't appear until after column header (with sorting on) is clicked.

This is a weird one.

First- I am using Infragistics 6.1.

OK- so I have a form with an ultratabcontrol and 4 tabs. Each tab has a WinListView.

I have a combo editor on the form (but not part of the tab control) that has a list of issues. When the value in the editor changes (after selecting an issue number) it 1) clears the items in nthe winlistviews and 2) goes out and sees if there are any records (for the new issue) that need to become items in the 4 WinList views (on the 4 tabs).

So, the problem is when the comboeditor value changes, and the WinListViews are populated- the FIRST time I select a tab to look at the views, the items will be visible. But if I go and change the combo editor to a different issue (while staying on that tab), the new items do not appear. I know they are there though, because when I select a column (with column sorting enabled) on the view (I am using details mode) the items appear. The odd thing is, it seems to be the tab control that is somehow involved in the problem. Because the first time I slect a tab- the items are visible. If I stay on the tab, and change the comboeditor- the items blank out (and when I click the column header of the list view- they show up). It doesn't matter if I clear the items first or not- the problem happens either way.

I have watched the lisview object in debug on three different states:
1) first load of items (items visible)
2) second load of items (same tab) on combo editor change (items NOT visible)
3) Clicking the column header on the list view (items visible again)

The debug isn't showing ANY differences in any of the properties of the listview object.

So I have two questions:
1) why is this happening?
2) What is happening in the action of clicking on the winlistview column header (doing the sorting) that is making the items visible? If I could just recreate that- I'd be fine.

Thanks for help- this is driving me nuts.