Is it possible to add custom columns?
I suppose that this post is duplicate with . Please take a look there for more details.
Is it possible to specify the custom column order to be inserted in between or before the built in columns?
One possible approach could be if you are using the property ultraGanttView1.GridSettings.ReadOnly = Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean.True; By this way all columns (default and custom columns) will be not editable.
If you want to set only special columns to be uneditable then you could try:
// For custom columns
ultraGanttView1.GridSettings.ColumnSettings[Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.TaskField.Custom].ReadOnly = Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean.True;
// for regular columns
ultraGanttView1.GridSettings.ColumnSettings[Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.TaskField.Duration].ReadOnly = Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean.True;
Let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you. That helps. And is possible to make the CustomColumn or any other column uneditable? Seems like I can make only these columns (Deadline,duration, StartDateTime,PercentComplete) uneditable.
Hello MN,
To be honest I`m not sure that I understand your scenario
MN said:What if I want to change weight for #4 and #2 while I'm dragging #3?
Could you please tell me how do you intend to achieve this behavior. What is the Idea, what is your final goal ? I suppose that if you change the value while dragging, then you will see the new values in "Wight" column for #4 and #2
MN said:How do I set the property of the columns in other rows by rownumber or ID?
If I understand your question, maybe you could used:
this.ultraCalendarInfo1.Projects[1].Tasks[0].SetCustomProperty("CustomColumn", database1DataSet1.dbTasks[0].CustomColumn);
this.ultraCalendarInfo1.Projects[1].Tasks[1].SetCustomProperty("CustomColumn", database1DataSet1.dbTasks[1].CustomColumn);