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How to programmatically find an infragistics control on a winform

How can i programmatically find a infragistics control on a form. For e.g., a ultraToolbar is located on a winform, but i am trying to access it from within a usercontrol on the winform. I need to be able to do something like this

frmDialog dia = (frmDialog)FindForm();

Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar toolBar = (Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar)dia.Controls["ultraToolbarsManager"];

but of course i get an error saying that i can't convert a winform to an ifragistics object. Do you know how i can get around this?


Please it's very urgent


Thanks in advance

  • 17259
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    I don't think the conversion is the problem. The toolbars manager is not part of the Controls collection at all.

    The toolbars manager is a private or protected member of the form, so you can define a public property in the form code that returns the manager and access it through this property.

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