Hi!I'd like the "drop down arrow" on the UltraDateTimeEditor to show a small calendar image. Is this possible? I have tried to modify the ButtonAppearance.Image property, but with no luck.
Regards Andreas
I beleive you would need to use a CreationFilter or DrawFilter for this.
Hi Mike,
I also have same problem to show calendar icon instead of Dropdownbutton of UltraDatetimeEditor.
Could you please provide sample code of CreationFilter or DrawFilter to change image of dropdownbuttton.
Hi Siva,
I attached a sample project which demonstrates the DrawFilter.
Not that in order for this to work, you have to turn off Themes. And the DrawFilter needs to apply to the control that is doing the drawing. So if you embed the control in a grid as an editor, for example, you have to apply the DrawFilter to the grid control and also turn off themes on the grid (or at least the cell button).
To turn off themes, you can either set ThemedElementAlpha to Transparent on the appropriate Appearance, or else you can use UseOsThemes on the control to turn off themes for the entire control.
This is what I have been looking for.
This is great. Thanks a lot for your support.... :-)
Quick responses with Awesome solutions....
Actually, if you are using UltraDateTimeEditor, there's actually an easier way. You don't even need the DrawFilter:
this.ultraDateTimeEditor1.ButtonAppearance.ThemedElementAlpha = Infragistics.Win.Alpha.Transparent; Stream stream = this.GetType().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("WindowsFormsApplication90.Calendar.png"); Image image = Image.FromStream(stream); this.ultraDateTimeEditor1.ButtonAppearance.Image = image;
For UltraCalendarCombo, you still need the DrawFilter.