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DoubleClick on a CheckBox in a grid

It looks like a doubleclick on a checkbox results in 2 normal clicks.

Is it possible to avoid a doubleclick on these columns?

I tried something with the EventManger of the grid, but nothing works.




grid.EventManager.SetEnabled(UltraWinGrid.GridEventIds.DblClick, False)


grid.EventManager.SetEnabled(UltraWinGrid.GridEventIds.DoubleClickCell, False)


grid.EventManager.SetEnabled(UltraWinGrid.GridEventIds.DoubleClickRow, False)


grid.EventManager.SetEnabled(UltraWinGrid.GridEventIds.DoubleClickHeader, False)

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  • 469350
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    I'm not sure I understand what you are trying to do. But two clicks have to occur before the a DoubleClick can occur.

    Windows does some pretty amazing things, but it cannot see into the future, yet. So there's no way to avoid this. :)

    You can, of course, skip the handling of the Click or CellClick event of the grid if you are handling these events. But this will not have any effect on the changing of the checkbox state.

    If you can explain in more detail exactly what you are trying to achieve, perhaps I can offer an alternative solution.

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