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Bug in PDF export

There seems to be an issue with exporting area charts with transparencies to PDF. Here is what my chart looks like on screen:



And here is what it looks like in the resulting PDF:



Here is my export code:











public static void ExportToPdf(this UltraChart chart, string path) {



var report = new Report();



var section = report.AddSection();

section.PageSize =

new PageSize(Converter.MillimetersToPoints(210), Converter.MillimetersToPoints(297));

section.PageOrientation =




using (var graphics = section.AddCanvas().CreateGraphics()) {

chart.RenderPdfFriendlyGraphics(graphics, chart.Width, (

int)Math.Round(chart.Width * (210.0 / 297.0)));



And the PaintElement I am adding to the NumericTimeSeries (This is a composite chart - layer type AreaChart)


var paintElement = new PaintElement();

paintElement.ElementType =


paintElement.FillGradientStyle =


paintElement.FillStopOpacity = 0;

paintElement.FillOpacity = 167;

  • 125
    Offline posted

    This is a bug - Each series is rendered opaque in the resulting PDF.

    Closest thing to a workaround is adding series to the chart in order of peak value.

    Bug is still present in service release 2119

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