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solution upgrade utility

Doesn't work, errors out with this message:

"xxx.csproj appears to be read-only or not accessible for some reason."

This file is not read-only...the whole project is checked out and not read only.


What is the use of something like this if it won't ever work?

  • 3707

    If you're talking about a upgrading a project that checks out with TFS. Upgrade the project on your machine locally, then check out with TFS.

    Elizabeth from the Infragistics Team answered a similar question here that has more detail:

  • 920

    and even if i uncheck read-only on the whole project/solution (which I don't want to do nor think I should have to), I get these two errors from the error log:




    11:20:08: Analyzing CareTracker.Web.UI.csproj...

    11:20:08: The following project needs to have its references updated: 

    11:20:08: Could not load the project. Plaese see the Log file for more details.

    11:20:08: startIndex cannot be larger than length of string.

    Parameter name: startIndex

    11:20:08:    at System.String.InternalSubStringWithChecks(Int32 startIndex, Int32 length, Boolean fAlwaysCopy)

       at Infragistics.VersionUtilitySupport.Core.File.Types.WebFile.GetCurrentAssembliesCLR(String assemblyRegisterTag)

       at Infragistics.VersionUtilitySupport.Core.File.Types.WebFile.Analyze()

       at Infragistics.VersionUtilitySupport.Core.File.Types.AdditionalFiles.AddFile(String fileName, Boolean includeCodeBehindFiles, List`1 listOfAssemblies)

       at Infragistics.VersionUtilitySupport.Core.File.Types.ProjectFile.Analyze()

    11:20:23: Upgrading Solution CareTracker.sln

    11:20:23: Updating CareTracker.UI.csproj...

    11:20:23: No matching assembly located in available assemblies Infragistics3.Excel.v10.1

    11:20:23:    at Infragistics.VersionUtilitySupport.Core.ProductAssemblies.AssemblyList.AssemblyNameChange(String assemblyName, Int32 versionLocation, XmlNamespaceManager xmlNamespaceManager, String& assemblyNameNoVersion, Boolean ignoreErrors)

       at Infragistics.VersionUtilitySupport.Core.ProductAssemblies.AssemblyList.FindNewAssemblyNode(String assemblyName)

       at Infragistics.VersionUtilitySupport.Core.File.Types.ProjectFile.Upgrade(String rootDirectory)