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As I can change the name of my x-axis data in a column or datasource.
ejem: colum #0 , column #1, column#2... to january, febrary, march...
thanks for your help --> Marco
Create a table with a "Date" column. Fill it with the data you want.
Row1["Date"] = "1/3/2011";
Row2["Date"] = "1/3/2011";
Next, set these settings.
Chart.ColumnChart.TreatDateTimeAsString = false;
Chart.Axis.X.TimeAxisStyle.TimeAxisStyle = RulerGenre.Continuous;
Chart.Axis.X.TickmarkStyle = AxisTickStyle.Smart;
Chart.Axis.X.RangeType = AxisRangeType.Automatic;
This should set the X axis according to the data you provide.
Finally you'll want to do some formatting on the X axis labels.
Chart.Axis.X.Labels.ItemFormatString = "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt";
You can format it however you like.
Cheers, and good luck!
Someting like dat;
I have a table whit a column named Month or week or day, etc. I need to change the ROW #1 by Jan, but the table. not manually
You'll want to use this setting here:
Chart.Data.RowLabelsColumn = <Index of column in datatable>
Let me tray to explain:
I use a visual basic 2008 whit Net advantage 2006 Vol 3 clear 2.0 and my question is:
How I can use one of de columns from the data source to provide labels for the chart axis, not whit the wizard, i ned code to do that
I still not sure I understand correctly.
You can include/exclude specific column with:
this.ultraChart1.Data.IncludeColumn(2, false);
You can also swap the rows and columns:
this.ultraChart1.Data.SwapRowsAndColumns = true;