Is it possible to show a dropdown list of resources in resource names (grid part) of the winganttView ?
Yes. I thought we put something in one of the help topics for this, but I could be mistaken. Basically, you assign an EditorWithCombo to the Editor property of the TaskColumnSettings for the resources column, and populate the ValueList with the members of the Owners collection, using (I think) the owner's Key as the DataValue. I think you can also use the EditorWithCombo 's multi-select capability to allow the user to assign more than one resource.
thanks for the quick reply ,
I could assign EditorWithCombo to the column but would you please tell me how can I set the valuelist for this editor ?
Hello ,
You could use the following code snippet to set value list to the first column of Gantt’s grid (TaskField.Name column)
EditorWithCombo combo = new EditorWithCombo();
ValueList comboBinding = new ValueList();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
comboBinding.ValueListItems.Add("Item " + i.ToString());
this.ganntView1.GridSettings.ColumnSettings[TaskField.Name].Editor = combo;
this.ganntView1.GridSettings.ColumnSettings[TaskField.Name].ValueList = comboBinding;
Let me know if you have any further questions.
Thank you very much it's working fine now just I couldn't find how to enable the multi select option .
Brian has said in his post to set the editorWithCombo's multiSelect to true but I couldn't find such property .
I just checking the progress of this issue. Did you able to test my code sniped ?
Just let me know if you need any further assistance with this.
sorry for late answer , first I couldn't use the code (I'm using your GanttChart in a wpf application) so I thought may be it's because of WPF environment but with a little change it's working fine now ,thanks .
BTW for resources you have to change the seprator :
ultraComboEditor1.CheckedListSettings.ListSeparator = ", ";