My ultraganttview is bound to a datatable via ultracalenderinfo.setdatabindingfortask. Is there a way to track in the datasource which record is the current record?
Normally I use;
dim bm as bindingmanagerbase = bindingcontext(datatable). That way I can track the current and position. of bm when the record moves.
I tried ultracalenderinfo.databindingfortasks.bindingcontext but no luck.
Ok with a combination of two answers from you, I have managed to sort this out.
For some reason, ActiveTaskChanged only fires after the load and when I call the dataset update command. It does not fire when task information is changed by the users.
This is no good as I want to track each individual changes rather than at the end of all changes.
UltraGanttView does not synchronize the binding manager's position with that of the ActiveTask. You can handle the ActiveTaskChanged event and use the binding list properties ofthe task to do this yourself.
Example:void ultraGanttView1_ActiveTaskChanged(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGanttView.ActiveTaskChangedEventArgs e){ BindingManagerBase bm = this.BindingContext[taskTable]; bm.Position = e.ActiveTask.BindingListIndex;}