I tried to add some locations to a root location using fake data code (the labels have been set to only one letter to paste the code) :
foreach (UltraNavigationBarLocation location in rootLocation.Locations) { location.Locations.Add("10", "A"); location.Locations.Add("20", "B"); location.Locations.Add("30", "R"); location.Locations.Add("40", "I"); location.Locations.Add("50", "J"); location.Locations.Add("60", "N"); location.Locations.Add("70", "C"); }
Problem is that the locations added doesn't respect the KEY order but the labels' alphabetical order. So the display order wanted is not respected : Instead of ABRIJNC, I got ABCIJNR.
How can I fix this ?
Thanks in advance !
Hello YannickBiet,
I have attached a sample in this post demonstrating the desired behavior.
Please take a look at it and let me know if you need additional assistance.
Boris, you're the man of the day !
Thanks a lot for your support, don't you think you should offer this as default feature for next releases ? (maybe defining your own SortOrder for ultranavigation bar ?)
Anyway, thanks again for this good work!
I am glad to hear that the custom 'IComparer<UltraNavigationLocation>' helped you.
I believe that many sort comparers could be made in order for a developer to achieve some behaviors. So, we provide the following comparison options: 'Ascending', 'Descending' and 'None'. Other sortings could be achieved with an approach like the one I am using in the sample attached in my second post.
Please feel free to let me know if you need additional assistance.