The Infragistic UltraToolbarManager reads the keyborad layout in order to display the shortcut text, example Ctrl + M, for the Buttons in the toolbar.
Is there a way where we can set the text of the shortcut programatically by overridding this default behaviour?
Hello Erwin,
You could read about the shortcuts in the ribbon at the following link:
And since we are following the Microsoft Guidelines, the Infragistics ribbon behaves in the same way.
Please feel free to let me know if I misunderstood you or if you have any other questions.
Is there a way to set activate the ribbon tabgroup shortcuts wit the Ctrl Key instead of the Alt key?
I can set the shortcuts of the controls within the tabgroups in the ribbon with the Ctrl key, if i adapt the sharedprops property - shortcuts.
But i can't find that property within the propertys of the ribbon tabgroups..
Hello ddorazio,
One possible approach to achieve this might be using a CreationFilter. You could read about it at the following link:
It is in fact not recommended to use this approach because we are following the Microsoft Guidelines and another thing is that there could come out some visual or other unexpected behavior in your application.
However, I attached a sample in this post too. You could review it and see if it helps.