I have a UltraWinGrid bound to a DataTable. The grid's UpdateMode is set to OnRowChange. Therefore I am expecting that the BeforeRowUpdate event will not get fired when I move focus to another cell within the same row.
However, BeforeRowUpdate *is* getting fired for cell transitions within the same row, whereas I am expecting it to fire only for transitions between rows. Is my understanding correct? If not, then how do I detect a cell change into a different row versus a cell change within the same row? I tried using BeforeRowDeactivate, however, there is another problem with this - namely that it fires after BeforeRowUpdate, and therefore, I have no way of detecting within BeforeRowUpdate, whether the row changed or not.
You are correct, changing to a new cell within the same row should not fire BeforeRowUpdate when UpdateMode is OnRowChange.
Just as a test, try displaying the UpdateMode property at run-time and make sure it's still set to what you think it is. Maybe something else in your code is resetting it after you set it to OnRowUpdate.
Another possibility is that something in your code is calling Update on the row or UpdateData on the grid when you change cells. So you can search for those two methods and see if they are being called anywhere in your code.
cs31415 said:However, BeforeRowUpdate *is* getting fired for cell transitions within the same row, whereas I am expecting it to fire only for transitions between rows.