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Minimal size of the list view needed to display all its items


I'm hosting ListView in a  DropDownEditorButton button. The dropdown button and the ListView should look and feel like a regular combobox. The dropdown button hosts the ListView and shows it as expected. My question is: how to determine the size of the ListView necessary and sufficient to show all items (there will be just a couple of them) without scrolling and elipsis?

Here is the code how I expect that to be done:

listView.View = UltraListViewStyle.List;
listView.ItemSettings.SelectionType = SelectionType.Single;
listView.ViewSettingsList.ColumnWidth = -1;

listView.Items.Add("Entry One", "Entry One");
listView.Items.Add("The second entry", "The second entry");

listView.Size = GetSufficientSize(listView);
The part that is missing here is the GetSufficientSize method implementation.
