I'm using cell colors to indicate things and I don't want them overridden by the highlight bar that shows the active/selected row. I've tried setting the BackColor property of Active or Selected row to Transparent, but that's not doing the trick. What should I be doing?
It's not a single property, you can control the selection overlay with a few different properties.They are all on the grid.DisplayLayout. The main ones are:
Where is the SelectionOverlay property? Using the search utility on your documentation website produces zero results.
When you apply an appearance to the Cell, you can also apply the same appearance to the cell's SelectedAppearance and/or ActiveAppearance. That way, when the row is cell is selected, it still maintains the same colors.
Another option would be to use the SelectionOverlay properties. This makes the selection in the grid behave like Excel where the selection draws a semi-transparent overlay on top of the row so you can still see the cell color underneath.
If you just want to turn off selection entirely, you would use the SelectTypeRow and/or SelectTypeCell property on the Override.