I have tried to set numbers on row selector, i have tried to put by row numbers, it starts with number one , i have tried by row index and it also starts with number one. i want to be able to start with zero.
I want this beacuse in my grid i will be able to add "future" row that doesnt count as beging part of the others so thats why i need to enumerate it as number zero. but if i dont add that "future" row i want to the enumeration start at 1.
can you help me with some ideas?
Hi Mike, i solved the problem with the
this.grid.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Override.RowSelectorAppearance.ImageAlpha = Alpha.Transparent;
Thank you.
Hi Mike, i'm using NetAdvantage for .net 2008 Vol 3.0 CLR 2.0 and doesnt have that property there, although i tried to use :
.grid.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Override.RowSelectorAppearance.Image = null;
this.grid.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Override.RowSelectorAppearance.ImageBackground = null;
but doesnt help because it shows the images anyway.
Thank for replying
If you want to hide all of the images in the RowSelectors, you can just do something like this:
private void ultraGrid1_InitializeLayout(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.InitializeLayoutEventArgs e) { e.Layout.Override.RowSelectorAppearance.ImageAlpha = Alpha.Transparent; }
You could also modify the individual images using the RowSelectorImages property on the DisplayLayout. You can set each individual image to whatever you want. In this case, you would probably want to set each one to null.
Now, i only have one question, i do i remove the triangle from the row selector and the pen when adding a new row. i dont want to have anything besides the numbers in the row selector.
Thanks mike, it solved my problem, the real deal with the future line.. wasnt how to add it, but how the row selector numbers should behave if there is one future line. its like a grid that has all your records untill today and you have the option to add a future line with a information that you will be doing in the future.. so that line shouldnt be count as the number one row but number zero, if that row doesnt exist in the grid so your first row should be number one. thanks for your answer it solved me the zero problem.