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How to sort by number of rows grouped by item? [Español]

Hola tengo un ultrawingrid agrupado en un band por una columan la cual me muestra correctamente,pero quisiera ordenarlo pero no ascendente y descendentemen alfabetico, sino por la cantidad de filas por item agrupado...

alguien sabe como hacerlo

  • 5118


    I do not speak spanish but I ran your text through google translate and it looks like you want to change the order of the group by column display based upon the # of child rows for that group by row.  Correct?


    This help link is the GroupByComparer property of an UltraGridColumn and it shows how to do what I think you want to do (if the translation was correct...)

    For example using the Northwind Orders table as the source for the grid you could do the following:

            private void ultraGrid1_InitializeLayout(object sender, InitializeLayoutEventArgs e)
                UltraGridColumn countryCol = this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Columns["ShipCountry"];
                if (countryCol != null)
                    countryCol.GroupByComparer = new MyGroupBySortComparer();

        class MyGroupBySortComparer : IComparer
            public int Compare(object objx, object objy)
                UltraGridGroupByRow x = (UltraGridGroupByRow)objx;
                UltraGridGroupByRow y = (UltraGridGroupByRow)objy;

                return x.Rows.Count.CompareTo(y.Rows.Count);

    You will probably have to run this text through a google translate as well to read what I've written.  Let me know if this is the behavior you were trying to achieve.