Example of Grid structure -
When an editable cell is changed, the grid refreshes and updates the calculated field (the values in the calculated field are dependent on another grid).
When the grid refreshes, it closes groupings and/or scrolls back to the top of the grid. If there are 12 months worth of data in 5 different groupings, and the user is updating all 12 months, they need to scroll the grid back to where it was to update the next row which is frusterating.
Is there any way to hold the rows that are visible when the AfterCellUpdate fires and reassign those visible rows to the grid after it refreshes in order to maintain the grid position?
Thank you for any help that you can provide with this.
You can do it by saving the rows states somewhere with an id for each row that will allow you to recognize the row after refresh. Also save the id of grid.ActiveRowScrollRegion.FirstRow. After refresh, go through the row and set their state as before, and set the FirstRow to be the row with the same id of he previous FirstRow.