I'm using v10.1, and am using the Outlook2007Blue.isl theme for my application. There is one grid where I want to display the data in one band using a fixed-width font. I'm using the following code in the InitializeLayout event handler...
questionsBand.Override.RowAppearance.FontData.Name = "Lucida Console";questionsBand.Override.RowAppearance.FontData.Bold = Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean.True;
The font is showing in bold, but the font face is not changing. What am I doing wrong?
My guess is that something in the ISL is setting the font name on the cell role's appearance, which would take precedence over the row. I think the name of the UltraGridCell's role is 'GridCell'; you can search the ISL for that role and either switch off the font name setting for it, or set it explicitly to the font you want.