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Can't set default value in UltraComboEditor containing list of objects

I'm having a problem selecting a default value in a  UltraComboEditor that contains a List of custom objects.

Things that are special about this is that I'm creating the combo boxes on the fly and adding them to a tablelayout panel. Othwerwise, this should be a very simple thing:

Here's the code:

                UltraComboEditor questionChoices = new UltraComboEditor();
                questionChoices.DropDownStyle = Infragistics.Win.DropDownStyle.DropDownList;
                questionChoices.DisplayMember = "Name";
                questionChoices.ValueMember = "ScoringGuideId";
                questionChoices.DataSource = m_InputData.Questions[i].Choices;
                for (int choiceIndex = 0; choiceIndex < m_InputData.Questions[i].Choices.Count; choiceIndex++)
                    if (m_InputData.Questions[i].Choices[choiceIndex].IsSelected == 1)
                        questionChoices.Value = m_InputData.Questions[i].Choices[choiceIndex];

                questionChoices.SelectionChanged += QuestionComboBox__SelectionChanged;
                m_questionTable.Controls.Add(questionChoices, 1, i);


I can't do anything with the combo box, every time i set the value or the selected index, the value is always null and the selected index is -1.  However, when the form renders, the items are in the list..just nothing is selected.

Interestingly, debugging through the code, after I set the datasource, the combobox says it has 0 items in it (a clue as to what is wrong here).  I tried to call databind() after setting the datasource, but it said that there is no binding context (I've not had to use binding context for other controls before where I assigned a datasource and called databind).


Any help?




  • 250
    Suggested Answer

    Hi I figured it out, it was 2 things.

    First, need to add the control to the container before setting the datasource.  I learned of this in another post on the site about the same sort of problem.

    Second, I don't use the .Value property to set the selected item, instead I set the SelectedIndex to the index of the item I want to select. The .Value property didn't work for some reason, but I'm happy to use the selected index option.