Column has a drop down with auto-complete. How can I force a CellUpdate when the user selects an item from the list and not have to wait for him to hit enter or click a different cell.
OK, which event should I catch to then call the Update method on?
And thanks for the warning but this is what the user wants: Click it on the list and have it apply immediately.
I should preface this with a recommendation that you not do this unless you understand the ramifications. Forcing an update before exiting edit mode means that the user cannnot press the Escape key to revert the changes they made during the edit mode session, so if you wqant to avoid this you might want to reconsider your approach.
To answer your question: you can call the grid's Update method to trigger an immediate update. I can't remember whether this takes the cell out of edit mode, but if it does, you can call EnterEditMode on the UltraGrid.ActiveCell to get it back into edit mode.