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In 2007 I developed an application with Infragistics Components. Last year I have to do some changes in this application and so I made an Upgrade of Version: Infragistics2.Win.UltraWinGrid.v8.3. which where finished at the begining of this year. Every thing works fine.
Now the customer asked me to update to Version: Infragistics2.Win.UltraWinGrid.v9.2 - the upgrade with the Upgrade tool works fine. All things work fine but only one point gives problems.
The point is, when I called second time the function LoadBHDH(). This function is called when the user clicks the button "bearbeiten" and prepare part of the data depending on the choosen IDHieb, which are shown in the registers.
if I call it second time I get the error:
Einschränkungen konnten nicht aktiviert werden. Mindestens eine Zeile enthält Werte die die Einschränkungen non-null, unique or foreign-key verletzen.
The function loadBHD:
Private Function loadBHDH() As Boolean 'Lädt Daten von M2BaKollInfo, M2BHD und M2Höhe, M3GueteStamm, M3GueteIL, M3GueteBHD 'zu aktuellem Hieb in Datatables und Grids Try loadBHDH = True uneBHD.Hide() ucbGutBHD.Show() ucbGutBHD.Enabled = True If dsvork.Tables.Contains("M3GueteStamm") Then dsvork.Tables("M3GueteStamm").Clear() daM3GueteStamm.Dispose() End If If dsvork.Tables.Contains("M3GueteBHD") Then dsvork.Tables("M3GueteBHD").Clear() daM3GueteBHD.Dispose() End If If dsvork.Tables.Contains("M3GueteIL") Then dsvork.Tables("M3GueteIL").Clear() daM3GueteIL.Dispose() End If If dsvork.Tables.Contains("M2BHD") Then dsvork.Tables("M2BHD").Clear() daM2BHD.Dispose() End If If dsvork.Tables.Contains("M2Hoehe") Then dsvork.Tables("M2Hoehe").Clear() daM2Hoehe.Dispose() End If If dsvork.Tables.Contains("M2BaKoll") Then dsvork.Tables("M2BaKoll").Clear() daM2BaKoll.Dispose() End If If DBConnection1.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then DBConnection1.Open() 'Bakollinfo strsql = "SELECT IDHieb, IDBa, IDKollektiv, HoehenArtID, mBHD_cmmR, mHoehe_m, SLaenge, EinheitSLID, HStufeID, FStufeID, " & _ " SchaetzartID, Aushieb, EinheitAushiebID, VerteilungsbreiteID, BHDVonBis, BHDAbrundenID, MessHoehe_m, KurvenNr, EKluppe, " & _ " BaumIDfremd, M3_XholzBHD_cmmR, M3_XholzAnteil_pz, M3_XholzLaenge_m, M3_KbruchAnt_pz, M3_BHDMin_cmmR, M3_AzopfMin_cmmR, " & _ " M3_BHDMax_cmmR, M3_AzopfMax_cmmR, M3_TLaenge_m, M3_KroneNutz_pz, M3_GueteLaengeID, BHDvon, BHDbis " & _ " FROM M2BaKollInfo WHERE (IDHieb = " & ucbHiebID.Value & ")" & _ " ORDER BY IDBa, IDKollektiv" daM2BaKoll = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(strsql, DBConnection1) daM2BaKoll.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey dcbM2BaKoll = New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(daM2BaKoll) daM2BaKoll.InsertCommand = dcbM2BaKoll.GetInsertCommand daM2BaKoll.UpdateCommand = dcbM2BaKoll.GetUpdateCommand daM2BaKoll.DeleteCommand = dcbM2BaKoll.GetDeleteCommand daM2BaKoll.InsertCommand.Connection = DBConnection1 daM2BaKoll.UpdateCommand.Connection = DBConnection1 daM2BaKoll.DeleteCommand.Connection = DBConnection1 daM2BaKoll.Fill(dsvork, "M2BaKoll") ugrBHDuH.DataSource = dsvork.Tables("M2BaKoll") 'BHD-Angaben füllen strsql = "SELECT IDHieb, IDBa, IDKollektiv, BHD_cmmR, AstfreieSL_m, Anzahl FROM M2BHD " & _ "WHERE (IDHieb = " & ucbHiebID.Value & ")" daM2BHD = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(strsql, DBConnection1) daM2BHD.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey dcbM2BHD = New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(daM2BHD) daM2BHD.InsertCommand = dcbM2BHD.GetInsertCommand daM2BHD.DeleteCommand = dcbM2BHD.GetDeleteCommand daM2BHD.UpdateCommand = dcbM2BHD.GetUpdateCommand daM2BHD.InsertCommand.Connection = DBConnection1 daM2BHD.DeleteCommand.Connection = DBConnection1 daM2BHD.UpdateCommand.Connection = DBConnection1 daM2BHD.Fill(dsvork, "M2BHD") ugrBHDVert.DataSource = dsvork.Tables("M2BHD") 'Höhe füllen strsql = "SELECT IDHieb, IDBa, IDKollektiv, IDBHD, BHD_cmmR, Hoehe_m " & _ " FROM M2Hoehe WHERE (IDHieb = " & ucbHiebID.Value & ") ORDER BY IDHieb, IDBa, IDKollektiv, IDBHD" daM2Hoehe = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(strsql, DBConnection1) daM2Hoehe.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey dcbM2Hoehe = New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(daM2Hoehe) daM2Hoehe.InsertCommand = dcbM2Hoehe.GetInsertCommand daM2Hoehe.DeleteCommand = dcbM2Hoehe.GetDeleteCommand daM2Hoehe.UpdateCommand = dcbM2Hoehe.GetUpdateCommand daM2Hoehe.InsertCommand.Connection = DBConnection1 daM2Hoehe.DeleteCommand.Connection = DBConnection1 daM2Hoehe.UpdateCommand.Connection = DBConnection1 daM2Hoehe.Fill(dsvork, "M2Hoehe") ugrHoehe.DataSource = dsvork.Tables("M2Hoehe") If dsvork.Tables("M2BaKoll").Rows.Count > 0 Then 'Maske füllen - Filter auf Grids legen - nur wenn Daten vorhanden !! nicht bei Neuanlage ugrBHDuH.ActiveRow = ugrBHDuH.Rows(0) '1.Zeile = 1. Baumart ugrBHDuH.ActiveRow.Selected() = True End If 'M3GueteBHD strsql = "SELECT IDHieb, IDBa, IDKollektiv, IDBHD, IDHerkunft, IDGQual " & _ " FROM M3GueteBHD WHERE (IDHieb = " & ucbHiebID.Value & ") ORDER BY IDHieb, IDBa, IDKollektiv, IDBHD" daM3GueteBHD = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(strsql, DBConnection1) daM3GueteBHD.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey dcbM3GueteBHD = New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(daM3GueteBHD) daM3GueteBHD.InsertCommand = dcbM3GueteBHD.GetInsertCommand daM3GueteBHD.DeleteCommand = dcbM3GueteBHD.GetDeleteCommand daM3GueteBHD.UpdateCommand = dcbM3GueteBHD.GetUpdateCommand daM3GueteBHD.InsertCommand.Connection = DBConnection1 daM3GueteBHD.DeleteCommand.Connection = DBConnection1 daM3GueteBHD.UpdateCommand.Connection = DBConnection1 daM3GueteBHD.Fill(dsvork, "M3GueteBHD") 'M3GueteStamm strsql = "SELECT IDHieb, IDBa, IDKollektiv, IDBHD, IDGueteKoll, StammAnt_pz, GueteID1, Laenge1_m, " & _ " GueteID2, Laenge2_m, GueteID3 " & _ " FROM M3GueteStamm WHERE (IDHieb = " & ucbHiebID.Value & ") ORDER BY IDHieb, IDBa, IDKollektiv, IDBHD, IDGueteKoll" daM3GueteStamm = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(strsql, DBConnection1) daM3GueteStamm.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey dcbM3GueteStamm = New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(daM3GueteStamm) daM3GueteStamm.InsertCommand = dcbM3GueteStamm.GetInsertCommand daM3GueteStamm.DeleteCommand = dcbM3GueteStamm.GetDeleteCommand daM3GueteStamm.UpdateCommand = dcbM3GueteStamm.GetUpdateCommand daM3GueteStamm.InsertCommand.Connection = DBConnection1 daM3GueteStamm.DeleteCommand.Connection = DBConnection1 daM3GueteStamm.UpdateCommand.Connection = DBConnection1 daM3GueteStamm.Fill(dsvork, "M3GueteStamm") 'M3GueteIL strsql = "SELECT IDHieb, IDBa, IDKollektiv, IDGuete, StammAnt_pz, IDHerkunft, IDGQual " & _ " FROM M3GueteIL WHERE (IDHieb = " & ucbHiebID.Value & ") ORDER BY IDHieb, IDBa, IDKollektiv" daM3GueteIL = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(strsql, DBConnection1) daM3GueteIL.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey dcbM3GueteIL = New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(daM3GueteIL) daM3GueteIL.InsertCommand = dcbM3GueteIL.GetInsertCommand daM3GueteIL.DeleteCommand = dcbM3GueteIL.GetDeleteCommand daM3GueteIL.UpdateCommand = dcbM3GueteIL.GetUpdateCommand daM3GueteIL.InsertCommand.Connection = DBConnection1 daM3GueteIL.DeleteCommand.Connection = DBConnection1 daM3GueteIL.UpdateCommand.Connection = DBConnection1 daM3GueteIL.Fill(dsvork, "M3GueteIL") 'Relationen definieren für Güteklassen If Not dsvork.Relations.Contains("M2BaKollM3GueteIL") Then parentCol2(0) = dsvork.Tables("M2BaKoll").Columns("IDHieb") parentCol2(1) = dsvork.Tables("M2BaKoll").Columns("IDBa") parentCol2(2) = dsvork.Tables("M2BaKoll").Columns("IDKollektiv") childCol2(0) = dsvork.Tables("M3GueteIL").Columns("IDHieb") childCol2(1) = dsvork.Tables("M3GueteIL").Columns("IDBa") childCol2(2) = dsvork.Tables("M3GueteIL").Columns("IDKollektiv") myDataRelation = New DataRelation("M2BaKollM3GueteIL", parentCol2, childCol2) dsvork.Relations.Add(myDataRelation) End If If Not dsvork.Relations.Contains("M2BaKollM3GueteBHD") Then parentCol1(0) = dsvork.Tables("M2BaKoll").Columns("IDHieb") parentCol1(1) = dsvork.Tables("M2BaKoll").Columns("IDBa") parentCol1(2) = dsvork.Tables("M2BaKoll").Columns("IDKollektiv") childCol1(0) = dsvork.Tables("M3GueteBHD").Columns("IDHieb") childCol1(1) = dsvork.Tables("M3GueteBHD").Columns("IDBa") childCol1(2) = dsvork.Tables("M3GueteBHD").Columns("IDKollektiv") myDataRelation = New DataRelation("M2BaKollM3GueteBHD", parentCol1, childCol1) dsvork.Relations.Add(myDataRelation) End If If Not dsvork.Relations.Contains("M3GueteBHDM3GueteStamm") Then parentCol3(0) = dsvork.Tables("M3GueteBHD").Columns("IDHieb") parentCol3(1) = dsvork.Tables("M3GueteBHD").Columns("IDBa") parentCol3(2) = dsvork.Tables("M3GueteBHD").Columns("IDKollektiv") parentCol3(3) = dsvork.Tables("M3GueteBHD").Columns("IDBHD") childCol3(0) = dsvork.Tables("M3GueteStamm").Columns("IDHieb") childCol3(1) = dsvork.Tables("M3GueteStamm").Columns("IDBa") childCol3(2) = dsvork.Tables("M3GueteStamm").Columns("IDKollektiv") childCol3(3) = dsvork.Tables("M3GueteStamm").Columns("IDBHD") myDataRelation = New DataRelation("M3GueteBHDM3GueteStamm", parentCol3, childCol3) dsvork.Relations.Add(myDataRelation) 'Datenbindung zum Grid - nur einmal definieren - verliert sonst Layout-Darstellungen ugrGute.SetDataBinding(dsvork, "M2BAKoll") 'Bindung zur Kombobox ucbGutBA.DataBindings.Add("Value", ugrGute.DataSource, "M2BAKoll.IDBa") uneKollG.DataBindings.Add("Value", ugrGute.DataSource, "M2BAKoll.IDKollektiv") ucbgutQual.DataBindings.Add("Value", ugrGute.DataSource, "M2BaKoll.M2BaKollM3GueteBHD.IDGQual") lblmHoeh.DataBindings.Add("Text", ugrGute.DataSource, "M2BaKoll.mHoehe_m") ucbexlang.DataBindings.Add("Value", ugrGute.DataSource, "M2BAKoll.M3_XholzBHD_cmmR") ucbeStpr.DataBindings.Add("Value", ugrGute.DataSource, "M2BAKoll.M3_XholzAnteil_pz") ucbeStLang.DataBindings.Add("Value", ugrGute.DataSource, "M2BAKoll.M3_XholzLaenge_m") ucbeKrBr.DataBindings.Add("Value", ugrGute.DataSource, "M2BAKoll.M3_KbruchAnt_pz") lblBHDvG.DataBindings.Add("Text", ugrGute.DataSource, "M2BAKoll.M3_BHDMin_cmmR") ucbeBHDv.DataBindings.Add("Value", ugrGute.DataSource, "M2BAKoll.M3_AZopfMin_cmmR") lblBHDbG.DataBindings.Add("Text", ugrGute.DataSource, "M2BAKoll.M3_BHDMax_cmmR") ucbeBHDb.DataBindings.Add("Value", ugrGute.DataSource, "M2BAKoll.M3_AZopfMax_cmmR") ucbeTransl.DataBindings.Add("Value", ugrGute.DataSource, "M2BAKoll.M3_TLaenge_m") ucbeKroneNz.DataBindings.Add("Value", ugrGute.DataSource, "M2BAKoll.M3_KroneNutz_pz") ucbGutLang.DataBindings.Add("Value", ugrGute.DataSource, "M2BAKoll.M3_GueteLaengeID") ucbGutBHD.SetDataBinding(dsvork, "M2BaKoll.M2BaKollM3GueteBHD") ucbGutBHD.SyncWithCurrencyManager = True ucbGutBHD.ValueMember = "IDBHD" ucbGutBHD.DisplayMember = "IDBHD" ugrGutIL.DataSource = dsvork.Tables("M3GueteIL") ugrGutIL.SetDataBinding(dsvork, "M2BaKoll.M2BaKollM3GueteIL") End If Catch myex As Exception MsgBox(myex.Message) loadBHDH = False Finally If DBConnection1.State = ConnectionState.Open Then DBConnection1.Close() End Try End Function
The error occures by
daM2BaKoll.Fill(dsvork, "M2BaKoll")
If I comment the part:
ucbGutBHD.SetDataBinding(dsvork, "M2BaKoll.M2BaKollM3GueteBHD")ucbGutBHD.SyncWithCurrencyManager = TrueucbGutBHD.ValueMember = "IDBHD"ucbGutBHD.DisplayMember = "IDBHD"
it works, but I do not get the Datas für Ultra.wincombo.Box ucbGutBHD.
Although seldom is: When I have a look in the preview of the dataset dsvork before calling the fill-Statement (daM2BaKoll.Fill(dsvork, "M2BaKoll") all the tables are empty. After getting the error the table M3GueteBHD has one record but without the fourth parameter for BHD. And there should not be a record inside before loading this table because it was cleared.
Is there any idea about this problem?
It's hard to follow what's going on here, but it sounds like the error message you are getting is related to the population of your data source and not the UltraCombo. I can't see any way that the Infragistics controls could possibly have any effect on this.
But maybe I am wrong, since I can't really read the error message, since it's not in English. The only parts I can read mention a foreign-key which says to me that this error has something to do with the relationships in the data set.
It might help if you could post the entire call stack of the error, so I can see where it's coming from.
Also, you might want to make sure you have the latest service release for NetAdvantage.
How to get the latest service release - Infragistics Community