I don't know whether it is already answered. I want to have a shape for a series(NumericSeries) that is displayed on any ChartLayer. Suppose I have two series, one represents Orders and other one represents fills . Each Series created as NumericSeries and a ChartAppearnce Layer is also created, with chart type set to scatterChart(I want to show these two series as points on the chart). But it is randomly talking different shapes(like + or ^ etc) for these series.I want to have circle for Orders and elipse for Fill. And also I want to render the size of these series based on their value at that point.
Order_size size_of_ shape(in pixels)
0-10 5
10-30 7
30-... 9
Could anyone please tell me how do I get this work?
Thanks in advance...
Sounds like you're using a composite chart with scatter layers. First, when you use scatter layers, you won't be able to use NumericSeries. You have to use XYSeries, because you must specify X and Y values. Here's how you can set an icon for your scatter layer:// ordersLayer is your existing scatter layer that has one or more XYSeriesordersLayer.ChartType = ChartType.ScatterChart;ScatterChartAppearance appearance = new ScatterChartAppearance();appearance.Icon = SymbolIcon.Circle;ordersLayer.ChartTypeAppearance = appearance;
This will make sure the orders layer will always have circle markers. You can set icons for individual scatter layers this way.