I am using an UltraWinTree and the Outlook Express style. Everything is cool, except, when i add the node, and set the left image, I do not see that image.
I have to do it like this: (this is a for loop that is looping through another tree to write the nodes the column based tree, like windows explorer)
worknode = utvPVDetails.Nodes.Add(t.Key, t.Text);
worknode.Cells[0].Appearance.Image = ilProject.Images[(Int32)t.LeftImages[0]];
Why can't I just do this:
So that I can utilize the imagelist I have associated with this tree?
Well, what is getting me is that on the first column , there seems to be a space reserved for an image...I am not sure how to then left justify this? Keep in mind, I am adding an image as I stated with
ImageAlign and TextAlign are set to left.
LeftImages and RightImages only apply to standard-style nodes. They will not work with grid or outlookexpress style.
What you probably need to do is add an unbound column to your ColumnSet and set it's DataType to Image and display your images that way.