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combo box in grid not populating with selections

I load a grid and bind it to datasource1, then i load an UltraComboBoxEditor and bind it with datasource2.  When I run it there are no values in the combobox even though during debugging i can see that there should be two selections:

DataBind Grid:

private void LoadBindingSource(BindingSource bindingSource)
            if (bindingSource == null)
               throw new ArgumentNullException("bindingSource");
            _gridBindingSource = bindingSource;
            DataSource = _gridBindingSource;

Format Columns:


public void FormatGrid(IGridColumnFormatter gridColumnFormater)



               foreach (ColumnFormatItem formatItem in columnFormatItemList)


                  if (columns.Exists(formatItem.Key) && columns[formatItem.Key].IsBound)


                     UltraGridColumn column = columns[formatItem.Key];

                     column.Style = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ColumnStyle.Edit;

                     column.Hidden = false;

                     column.Header.VisiblePosition = formatItem.Order;

                     column.Header.Caption = formatItem.Name;


                     if (formatItem.LookupList != null)


                        var control = new Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors.UltraComboEditor();

                        control.DataSource = formatItem.LookupList;

                        control.DisplayMember = NoteValueSelectionChild.Field.SelectionValue.ToString();

                        control.ValueMember = NoteValueSelectionChild.Field.NoteValueId.ToString();

                         switch (formatItem.DisplayType)


                           case ColumnFormatItem.CellDisplayType.ComboList:

                              column.EditorComponent = control;


                           case ColumnFormatItem.CellDisplayType.MultiSelect:

                              control.CheckedListSettings.CheckBoxStyle = CheckStyle.CheckBox;

                              control.CheckedListSettings.CheckBoxAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;

                              control.CheckedListSettings.EditorValueSource = EditorWithComboValueSource.CheckedItems;

                              control.CheckedListSettings.ItemCheckArea = ItemCheckArea.Item;

                              control.CheckedListSettings.ListSeparator = ", ";


                              column.EditorComponent = control;










and sorry for the doube space but hey I just tried everything i could and nothing works.  It would help if people could simply copy/paste from VS in here.


so apparently i'm not doing something right with my column settings?