In my project I have created a toolbar and I have had a button tool on it. The button tool works great.
However I went to add a new comboboxtool to the toolbar and it shows it as expected in the designer but during run-time its not there.
I have another toolbar manager in my project in which I did the exact same thing, and that one works.
No new tools show up on the one toolbar in question at run-time, only in designer.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
I'm not exactly sure what fixed the issue. Before I posted earlier I tried recreating the tool, re-opening designer, re-opening visual studio.
But after I created a tool programatically during run-time I unchecked the save settings option under the manager and then added the tool back onto the toolbar and it worked.
Okay, I think I found the cause of the problem. For some reason it has to do with the save settings option / setting key. Maybe some of the data in the key was corrupt because once I told it to save settings into a different key name, everything started working.