I'd like to be able to add bands to an UltraGrid dynamically. To do this I'd like to clone existing bands so that the new bands have the same columns and appearance. I'd like to do this so that I can:
1) customize the appearance of each band's header to add information related to the rows in the band
and 2) quickly and easily hide or show bands.
I currently have 3 bands. Two are children of the first band. They're bound to a dataset with three tables and two tables are related to a parent table. With this arrangement I can't change the appearance of the headers for each group of child rows that appear when I expand the grid to show the rows related to each parent row. I also can't quickly hide the rows related to a single parent row without leaving the header displayed. I think I can accomplish what I want if I create new bands dynamically to contain only the rows related to a parent row.
It looks like the web grid has a way to clone bands but I'm in a Windows form not a web browser. Any suggestions will be appreciated.