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Bug in the document engine with multiple lists using the HTMLSample

Running the document sample, I noticed that if an HTML file has multiple lists with a mixture of <UL> and <OL> tags, although the HTMLSample converter correctly adds a new list to the container and sets the appropriate bullet properties, the rendering throughout the document for the list bullets is the setting for the last list added to the container. You can see this if you add the following text to the  end of the Resources\Converters.html file of the sample:

<OL><LI>This is a list using 'ol'.</OL>

<UL><LI>This is a list using 'ul'.</UL>

All of the lists will now use bullets (the <UL> style). I'm using 10.1.20101.1007.

  • 12773


    I just want to let you know that we recently fix this behavior in our samples and you should be able to see the list patterns are exported correctly.
    Please let me know if you need any further assistance.

    Developer Support Engineer

  • 12773



    I will enter this behavior as issue in our development system. Also I have created support case (CAS-48825-0CYMP1) for you behalf, so when we have more information I will reach you.


    Thank you.




    Developer Support Engineer

    Infragistics, Inc.

  • 914
    Suggested Answer

    What appears to be the case is that although the BulletsType is a property of the IList and not the applied ListPattern, using the same ListPattern is what is causing the problem. I changed the example code to set up two ListPattern objects, OLListPattern and ULListPattern. I then applied the respective pattern to the list that was added to the container in the OL tag handler and the UL tag handler. This eliminated the problem. But since the BulletsType is not part of the ListPattern, there must be some bug in the document engine in tracking the bullet type. The above provides a work-around.