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UltraNumericEditor shows incorrect value when loosing focus


using NetAdvantage for WinForms v. 10.1 I'm facing the following issue:

UltraNumericEditor is docked into a cell of a tableLayout. Default properties changed in design-time as following:

.Nullable = true

.Value = null

.PromptChar = ' '

In runtime, after  value is edited and control lost focus, null's('0') are truncated from the right side of the shown value. But the .Value property  still has a correct value.

Why is this truncation happening? What I'm doing wrong?.


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  • 69832
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Insignificant digits (i.e., trailing zeroes) are not displayed by default when a decimal/float/single value is displayed. The control exposes a Format property, so you can assign a value like (for example) "#.0000" to that property to force a certain number of decimal places.

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