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RefreshSort method

I'm attempting to track down a problem we're seeing in the UltraGrid and I'm wondering if anyone else has seen a similar issue.  We're using winforms 10.1, with the latest hotfix installed.

In a few places in our code we are calling ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].SortedColumns.RefreshSort(true).

Today we noticed that when a grid contains data grouped by 1 or more columns, when the RefreshSort(true) is called the data is regrouped incorrectly (for instance we'll see multiple groups of the same value).  However when I make the same call with the false parameter (don't regroup by) the sort and the groups are correct.

I tested this on a previous version of our software running 9.1 (containing the same calls to RefreshSort(true)) and see no problems at all.

Are there any known changes to the RefreshSort(true) method that might be causing what I'm seeing?


Chris Rowland