Can you provide some guidance on how to use XML data to populate my scatter charts (one with line, one without)? Your help is appreciated!
thank you!!!
If you're using a valid time series, such as NumericTimeSeries, then you can use a date x axis.
AxisItem timeXAxis = new AxisItem(ultraChart1, AxisNumber.X_Axis);timeXAxis.DataType = AxisDataType.Time;timeXAxis.TickmarkStyle = AxisTickStyle.DataInterval;timeXAxis.TickmarkInterval = 1;timeXAxis.TickmarkIntervalType = AxisIntervalType.Days;timeXAxis.RangeMin = DateTime.Now.Ticks;timeXAxis.RangeMax = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(1).Ticks;timeXAxis.RangeType = AxisRangeType.Custom;timeXAxis.Labels.Visible = true;timeXAxis.Labels.ItemFormatString = "<ITEM_LABEL:dd MMM>";
Does any one have an example composite graph where the x axis is a date range where the interval is by day? Not all days have data but the entire range needs to show in the graph.
Thanks in advance!
This worked except for the interval. The x axis seems to keep only 10 intervals that is if I set my RangeMax=30, my intervals are 3,6,9,12... 30. If I set RangeMax=60 it goes from 6,12, 18... 60. How can I set the intervals equals to 1? Thanks again!
Hi Cyril
Of course. Here is a link form our online documentation showing how this can be done:
Let me know if I can help you further.
Regards Petar.