I'm trying to print all appointments of a single day using the UltraschedulePrintDocument.TemplateDayView property. I need to show the slots from 0:00 to 23:59, in one or more pages, but seems there's no way to get it.
If the DayView is has lees than four all-day-appointments, it prints all slots, but if i add a fourth, it prints the slots from 0:00 to 12:00 leaving a blank space at the bottom of the page
This is the code i've been using:
Using uspd As New UltraSchedulePrintDocument Dim previo As New Infragistics.Win.Printing.UltraPrintPreviewDialogprevio.Document = uspduspd.CalendarInfo = infoCalendario1uspd.CalendarLook = UltraCalendarLook1uspd.TemplateDayView = vistaDiauspd.PrintStyle = SchedulePrintStyle.Dailyuspd.StartTime = New TimeSpan(0, 0, 1)uspd.EndTime = New TimeSpan(23, 59, 59)uspd.PrinterSettings.PrinterName = General.ImpresoraPredeterminadauspd.MaximumPagesPerDay = 2 previo.ShowDialog()End Using
It does not matter if two or three pages are printed, but the fact is that allways prints one page. Can anyone help me or at least, give me a clue about what could be happening?
P.S. As you can see, english it's not my native language; sorry about my grammar.
Hello Artilaina,
Could you please review the sample attached to this post and see if it meets your requirements.
Please feel free to let me know if I misunderstood you or if you have any other questions.
I can't print all the time slots of a day.
Me.UltraSchedulePrintDocument1.PrintStyle = SchedulePrintStyle.Daily
Me.UltraSchedulePrintDocument1.StartTime = New TimeSpan(0, 0, 0)
Me.UltraSchedulePrintDocument1.EndTime = New TimeSpan(23, 59, 59)