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Hide Non-Group by rows

Sample Source:-

SessionName  PaymentMethod  Amount

Session-1        Cash                  100
Session-1        Cash                  70
Session-1        Cheque               50
Session-2        Cash                  500

I have created sorted columns for SessionName and PaymentMethod and created summary for Amount. customize the group by row description in the InitializeGroupByRow event.


Amount  - Change to Session Name
- Session - 1
    - Method: Cash(2 items) Amount Paid = $170.00
 100.0000  - Need to hide
   70.0000  - Need to hide
    - Method: Cheque(1 item) Amount Paid = $50.00

- Session - 2
    - Method: Cash(1 item) Amount Paid = $500.00
 500.00  - Need to hide

1) I want to hide the summary record, since amount total displaying in the group description.
2) Column header need to display as "Session Name"


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