has somebody designed a style based on office 2010? Something like office 2007silver with scenicbuttons?
I need an style as office 2010 like office 2007silver. The tololbarmanager should be without officebutton but with scenic ..
Most of the styles are based on 2007 but only win7 and aero are on scenic. Perhaps infragistics offers an 2010 style ,-))
Thanks for every help..
Those styles are planned for version 10.3. Meanwhile, you could use the AppStylist for Windows Forms and create your own styles based on the currently existing Aero.isl and Windows7.isl
Let me know if you have further questions.
thanks for your answer.
Is there a simple way (in AppStylist) to integrate the ribbon from scenic into the office 2007silver.isl? I never worked with AppStylist but i should possible that a part of the office style is changed by the scenic part..
Thanks for every help:-)
Greetings from Germany,
thanks for your help.
I will try to create my own style library in order to get the 2010 feeling.
So you can close this. If i need further assistance i will open a ticket :-)
Let me know if you would need my assistance.
- Stefaniya
I am not sure I understand you correctly, but you can create your own style library derived from existing one, then import available resources from other style libraries, or apply your own changes and add resources for the scenic ribbon in the current library.
Let me know if you need my further assistance and I will be glad to open a support ticket based on this discussion for you.
sorry for my late answer:-)
I try to explain more detailed:
I have an VS2008 project and use the 2010 infragistics component suite. Therfore the ultratoolbarsmanager, ultragrid,.. are integrated.At the begining of the project the style is set to 2007blue.islInfragistics.Win.AppStyling.StyleManager.Load(..Office2007blue.isl)
This worked well. Now i want to style the programm like office 2010. But as there is no style like 2010.isl i decided to change from the office2007blue to office2007silver.isl
The only thing that is missing is the change of the ultratoolbarsmanager (from office button to backstage). So i changed the style/Libraryname/setname of the toolbarsmanager to scenicribbon/win7/win7. this workes even if scenic ribbon is not in silver;-)
But when i use the office 2007silver style it would be nice if the part of the ultratoolbarsmanager would changed to the scenic ribbon style. So that using the 2007silver means to the ultratoolbarsmanger to work with scenic outfit without changing the style from this part separatly..
So the question is if it is possible to change in an exisiting style (silver2007) the data for toolbarmanager from another existing ScenicRibbon?
Hope you understand ...:-)
Thanks for every help...
Let me know if this is what you need.