I'm trying to achieve a certain look in a WinGrid but can't quite seem to get what I'm looking for. Can anyone tell me if this is possible:
I have a grid with 3 columns in it. For two of those columns I want to display a group header that covers both columns yet hide the individual column header - but yet for the other, non-grouped column I still want to display it's header.
So my layout would look something like
Col1Header Super Header--------------------->
Col1Value Col2Value Col3 Value
Is this possible? It seems when I set up a group/level in the Column Arrangement Designer for the two, grouped columns I can no longer see the column outside the group. I can also set the ColHeadersVisible property on the Band and that removes the headers like I want in the group but I suspect it would also remove the other non-grouped column headers (if I could even see them).
(Actually the grid has about 20 columns and I want to group 6 of the columns under a single header, but I thought I would just use three in the my example for simplicity purposes).
Hi David,
You can't do this using the normal Groups & Levels mode. In that mode, any column that is not in a group will not display in the grid.
But if you have a fairly recent version of the grid, you can use the new GroupLayout mode and achieve what you want.