I am using the ultrawingird control version 9.2 latest SR, on a winform.
It has 19 columns, of which about 10 are visible.
It is databound to a datable.
I have a user with about 42000 rows.
They are finding latency when using the filters. so the header row allows them to start typing a name, and there is a 1 to 2 second lag between characters typed in.
The basic filter settings are set:
action=hide filtered out rows
filter range - all rows in band
filterUItype = filter row
filter operator default value is start with
any ideas on how to speed up performance?
You could set the FilterEvaluationTrigger property on the Override to something like OnEnterKey. That way the filters would not be evaluated until the user presses the Enter key and there wouldn't be any delay while typing.