I have a Scatter Chart that I am using an algorithm to find a linear regression. In the FillSceneGraph, I can create a Line and add it to the SceneGraph without a problem.
When I do the same with a Polyline, it does not show up on the chart. It is there, because if it crosses a point in the scatter, the part of the point that the Polyline crosses seems to have an invalidated region. I am using the same end points for the Polyline as I used for the Line.
I am using v9.1 of the chart. Here is some sample code. Just drop a chart on a form and then put in the following code. In UltraChart1_FillSceneGraph, you can comment out the Polyline logic and uncomment the Line logic. You will see the Line at this point.
Am I missing something? I've tried setting color, thickness, opacity, etc. on the Polyline with no effect.
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim series As New XYSeries()
series.Label = "My Points"
series.Points.Add(New XYDataPoint(1, 10, "Pt 1", False))
series.Points.Add(New XYDataPoint(2, 20, "Pt 2", False))
series.Points.Add(New XYDataPoint(3, 50, "Pt 3", False))
series.Points.Add(New XYDataPoint(4, 55, "Pt 4", False))
series.Points.Add(New XYDataPoint(5, 75, "Pt 5", False))
UltraChart1.ChartType = ChartType.ScatterChart
End Sub
Private Sub UltraChart1_FillSceneGraph(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Events.FillSceneGraphEventArgs) Handles UltraChart1.FillSceneGraph
Dim xAxis As IAdvanceAxis = CType(e.Grid("X"), IAdvanceAxis)
Dim yAxis As IAdvanceAxis = CType(e.Grid("Y"), IAdvanceAxis)
If ((xAxis IsNot Nothing) AndAlso (yAxis IsNot Nothing)) Then
Dim p1 As New Point(Convert.ToInt32(xAxis.Map(1)), Convert.ToInt32(yAxis.Map(10)))
Dim p2 As New Point(Convert.ToInt32(xAxis.Map(4)), Convert.ToInt32(yAxis.Map(65)))
Dim p3 As New Point(Convert.ToInt32(xAxis.Map(3)), Convert.ToInt32(yAxis.Map(50)))
'Dim line As New Line(p1, p2, New LineStyle(LineCapStyle.NoAnchor, LineCapStyle.NoAnchor, LineDrawStyle.Solid))
Dim linePoints(2) As DataPoint
linePoints(0) = New DataPoint(p1) 'p1 is an end-point
linePoints(1) = New DataPoint(p3) 'p3 is in the middle
linePoints(2) = New DataPoint(p2) ' p2 is an end-point
Dim myPolyline As Polyline = New Polyline(linePoints, New LineStyle(LineCapStyle.NoAnchor, LineCapStyle.NoAnchor, LineDrawStyle.Solid))
End If
Have you tried to change the color of the polyline:
myPolyline.PE = New PaintElement(Color.Red)
Let me know if this helps.
Thanks for the response. I should have replied back last week to my original post.
Yes, what you are saying will work for me. What I found was that I needed to set the .PE.Fill to a color. I was surprised because when I was working with a Line, I did not have to set a color. It defaulted to black. Apparently, the Polyline does not work that way. My other confusion was that "Fill" did not seem that intuitive. There is a "Stroke" color which is what I was setting to no avail. I would figure that "Fill" would be for the internals of a closed shape, not the line itself.
Either way, thanks for the response.