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show custom tool tip on cell active

Is it possible to show a custom tool tip when the focus is in the cell, as the user navigates through a grid using the keyboard using the tab key?



  • 469350
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    The code posted here probably won't work, since the tooltip won't show up unless the mouse hovers over a cell.

    If you want to force a tooltip to show up based on the current active cell, then you could use the UltraToolTipManager component and call the ShowToolTip method in the AfterCellActivate event of the grid.

  • 918

    I would use the after cell activate event and do a select statement for the column header text.  Once you have that then just assign the tooltip text.

    Something like this:

















    aColumn As UltraGridColumn

    aColumn = aUIElement.GetContext(




    If Not aColumn Is Nothing Then

    Select Case aColumn.Header.Caption



    Case "Name"



    Select Case color



    Case "Color [Teal]"



    If aRow.IsActiveRow Then

    aRow.ToolTipText =

    "This Customer has a contract that is fast track. " & sActiveRow & ""




    aRow.ToolTipText =


    "This Customer has a contract that is fast track."



    End If



    End Select



    End Select



    End If