I have following code to set a formula expression for a column in my code.
FormulaColumn fc = new FormulaColumn("TEST1", "([COLUMN (1)] - [COLUMN (2)]) / [COLUMN (3)]");
The ultrawingrid shows up with "#REF!" in the column 'TEST1'. It seems if there are any parentheses
in formula field names in the expression then it does not work. I tried with column names which did not have parentheses then it works good.
In above code COLUMN (1), COLUMN (2) and COLUMN (3) , all have parentheses in the column names.
Can anybody suggest how to escape the parentheses in the formula expression ?
I'm not sure how that's possible. There's no reason why brackets should work. The CalcManager will not recognize a bracket as a valid character in a formula.
Perhaps there's some unusual settings on your machine or you are somehow modifying the formulas you use and replacing the brackets with parens at some point?
Can you post a small sample project demonstrating the parens not working? As I said, I tested this out and it worked perfectly fine for me. I used v9.2, but I have never heard of parens not working. It's a very simple and basic function of formulas, so I don't see any way it could possibly not be working without us hearing about it.
Hi Mike,
We are using following version of the control:
NetAdvantage for Win Client 2009 Vol. 1 - Windows Forms Source Code (Release Build Version 9.1.1000)
We did many testing the only parentheses in which works in the formula expression is of type {} .We would like () to work.
I tried this out and it worked fine for me. What version of the controls are you using?