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Displaying Axis Value less than 1



      I am working in Windows Application with UltraChart.

     I face a quit simple problem but I could not solve this.

     I want to display Y-Axis values less than 1 ( For Example 0.25, 0.35, 0.45, 0.005 etc )

    But it displays only 00 when displayed.

    I tried with LogBase Property set to 1.000001. But its showing the same output.

   Can u give solution in this Regard.



    I want to display the Y-Axis plotting from Right to Left. By Default its displaying Left to Right.

    How can I solve this issue.


Thanks and Regards


  • 26458
    Offline posted

    Check the chart.Axis.Y.Labels.ItemFormatString property. If you set it to <DATA_VALUE> it should display all the decimal places. If you wanted to format the label with up to 3 decimal places you would set the ItemFormatString property to <DATA_VALUE:0.###>

    Reversing the chart axis is currently not possible. For this you can submit a feature request to our developer support group using this link: