Ok, I'm tired of beating my head against the wall. I've looked and looked and cannot find where the array of reccurrance days are kept in the appointment object.
I need to get at them so I can change some of their start times, as I create the variances. I loaded the root reccurring appointment and I see that, but where are all the occurrances that it should of created? I have 12 days created by the reoccurance shouldn't there be a collection of 12 somewhere? This is one complex control object, is there any good documentation on it? Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Gatesay said:I have 12 days created by the reoccurance shouldn't there be a collection of 12 somewhere?
AppointmentRecurrence exposes (NA 2009.2 and later) a GetAppointmentsInRange method, which you can call with a given date range to get collection of the appointments generated by the recurrence.
Ok, I can understand that, but how do I programatically change the start time on an occurrance in the series? Do I use the GetAppointmentsInRange to extract the single occurrance and then just changes it's properties?